Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hey Nefi, This Isn't Playing the Yankees on the Road or Anything

You need to get back on the DL to grow that hair back out? After blowing save after save to the Royals, we'll give you a month off, because I'm pretty confident our starters can cleanly average nine innings until you get back. By the way, you want to take Kinsler with you? I can get him a picture of his old hair too. At least this offense is back to World Series form, cause with bullpen help like this, we are going to need back-to-back-back homers a few more times.

By the way - I just feel sorry for the Royals after stealing wins like that on Sunday. Loveable losers just can't catch a break. Even 500 barking dogs and 8 innings of webgem defense couldn't get the W. They're just one of those opponents where beating them is like beating your gritty, outmatched little brother.

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