Tuesday, January 24, 2012

KISS-FM's Share of Reality Show-Watching, Auto-Tuned-Pop-Listening Fat Chicks In Danger: Khloe's Got Her Mouth on a New, Big, Black Mic

DALLAS - Khloé Kardashian will be Dallas' newest radio star, according to a release from MIX 102.9 KDMX-FM. Clear Channel Media and MIX 102.9 – KDMX-FM announced that she will be the newest member of their on-air staff in a show called "The Mix Up with Khloé Kardashian Odom." It'll air on MIX 102.9 daily from 12 to 1 p.m. CST starting Monday, January 30.
The release describes the Mix Up as a daily, one-hour, commercial-free show where Khloé will take requests, chat with her celebrity friends, and more during the Mavericks' season while she's in Dallas with her husband Lamar Odom.
Khloe has experience behind the microphone: In 2009, she had a similar noonday show on Miami's Y100 called "Khloé After Dark," and has done temporary stints at 104.3 MYfm in Los Angeles.

That's right, ladies. Damnit! Stop Facebooking about how heavenly the Golden Corral chocolate fountain is when I'm talking to you! OK. Yes, the natural beauty Khloe Kardashian Snuffaluffagus Odom finally found a an appropriate platform to accentuate her true talents, and it doesn't involve baking or feigning exercise. I don't know what drivel is spewing out of 106.1 weekdays from 12-1pm, but they better step there game by February. Not just anybody can play a rotation of the same 13 songs and talk about how their jeans don't fit. Not in this town.

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