Friday, October 12, 2012

Must Be UT-OU Weekend: Dallas Broad Attacks Mom After Being Criticized for Leaving Bloody Tampon on the Bathroom Counter


DALLAS - Meet Yakia Lashonta Mays. The Texas woman, 35, was arrested last night for aggravated assault after she grabbed a kitchen knife and charged at her mother, who had upbraided her for "leaving a bloody tampon on the bathroom counter top," cops allege.
Sandra Mays, 52, got into a verbal argument with her daughter inside their Dallas home late last night, according to a Dallas Police Department report. The "major disturbance" was triggered by the discarded tampon. As the pair quarreled, Yakia (identified as "AP," for "arrested person") allegedly went into the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and "began charging" at her mother. "Bitch, I am going to kill you," Yakia announced.
Sandra Mays told cops that, fearing for her life, she ran to a back bedroom and locked the door. Sandra (identified as "comp," for "complainant") added that Yakia sought to break the door down. While doing this, she remaked, "Bitch, I am going to stab you in the middle of your fucking forehead." When cops arrived at the duo's apartment, they observed that the bedroom door was "semi broken off the frame." They also recovered the kitchen knife from the nightstand in Yakia's bedroom.

Talk about a battle that truly divides family, huh? There's no question Yakia was gettin' an earful from her Sooner-lovin' mom all week. "Horns got stomped the last two years," "no way Ash can play against a decent defense," "Mack's nuthin' but a jive-talkin cracka," or whatever else these illiterate cranks say these days. (that's Sooner and Longhorn fans... what were you thinking?) Just gettin' under a girl's skin like only a mother knows how. And what's Yakia supposed to say? That comeback card is empty, and every Texas fan knows it. Bro's woulda just shared a few punches then a couple brews, but not chicks. Always gotta step it up a notch. Yakia played the only card she had in the bag, or the underwear, as it were, and I don't blame her one bit. Sandra just has to take this give-up move as an ultimate debate victory and move on, not keep up the offensive. After that anything's fair game, including murder by kitchen knife.

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