DENTON - The website of the North Texas Daily, the student paper at the University of North Texas, reports that "a pornographic video featuring UNT students went viral on Twitter.com." According to the Daily, the video, which has been removed from the Twitvid site, "shows three men and one woman engaging in oral sex in front of a small crowd." The paper added: "The video was filmed in Denton, according to tweets by UNT students." It said the tag #UNTsextape was a "trend" on Twitter in the Dallas-Fort Worth area before the video was removed.
You can't help but feel bad for little ol' North Texas, stuck up there in the dunce cap of the metroplex and pillow-fighting the bottom of the Sun Belt barrel every year while the pro sports teams and private schools hog all of the headlines. Poor guys couldn't even move the meter with a new football stadium and Dan McCarney taking over. While credit must be given to the courage and entrepreneurship it took to skip the sports page and head straight down the porno highway to Front Page City, these guys just can't win. Leave it to the bumbling Mean Green to put together a sex tape, which one would expect to be pretty quality given their top notch fine arts program, garner the kind of buzz the football team dreams of, and then roll out a blurry flip-phone vid of a bunch of dudes passing around the lips some homely, drunk community college transfer from chub to chub at a dead house party. You sure as hell aren't getting into the BCS this way, North Texas. Somewhere UT and OU are laughing their asses off.
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