Friday, November 11, 2011

How to Go Straight to Hell from South Dallas

OAK CLIFF[This] was taken by surveillance cameras at St. Cecilia Catholic School on Mary Cliff, just off Davis and Hampton in Oak Cliff. According to the police report, the three boys got away with quite the haul, including three Dell laptops, five flat-screen monitors and a few thou in other electronics.

That's some big balls on some little kids, huh? I mean, as Occupy Dallas knows, it's one thing to go south of the Trinity and pick on the greedy fat-cats at Wal-Mart, but when you break into a poor, Catholic elemantary school run by an even poorer church in your own neighborhood and swipe some donated swag from the few people who actually still care about your failed, handout-seeking community, that takes a special kind of horrible soul. The worst crime may be that they are too young to appreciate the depressing irony. Just imagine, every time you pay more in taxes, you're really just handing over your paycheck to families who churn out kids like these. Go America! Happy Friday!

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