Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dallas Not Winning in One Thing: Respectable Protests

OAK CLIFF - Occupy Dallas protesters infiltrated an Oak Cliff Wal-Mart this evening -- a demonstration that ended when as many as a dozen Dallas police cars showed up to hustle them out.
"We always planned to march on Wal-Mart," said Dack Decker, who wouldn't exactly blend in at the store with his button-festooned denim jacket and yellow-streaked hair. "But it didn't come together until about 10 minutes before." Decker (real name, he tells me) said he and roughly two dozen protestors went into the store covertly at 6 p.m. and spent 15 minutes stashing fliers inside products.
"Then we blew a whistle." The occupiers "marched down the aisles," Decker said, putting their fliers over price tags, DVD racks, "just anything we could." Then they circled the cash registers, chanting: "We are the 99 percent," "What's disgusting? Union busting," and such.
Police cars began to fill the parking lot. Decker and his compatriots said officers entered the store, lined up in a chain, and herded them out.

This is losing on so many levels I can't even begin to add it up. And in October no less. As if the Rangers starters weren't choking enough, we've got these rookies making the real Occupy windbags look like the '27 Yankees. While the Manhattan crowd is fighting the futile fight at Wall Street Ground Zero, these misguided hipsters think the real battle-ground over imperialism and corruption is a low rent Wal-Mart? Talk about playing flag football while the big boys are playing tackle. Poor Pablo and his four kids are just trying to get some bread, milk, socks, and underwear on a roofer's salary, and now he has to deal with an over-zealous, hyper-idealistic humanities grad student telling him why he should go to Whole Foods and Urban Outfitters while making everyone miss Game One first pitch. Just shoddy protesting, really. You're in DALLAS. You have literally hundreds of establishments to choose from to paint a picture of greed, and you go south of the Trinity to a discount retail outfit? If Occupy was serious, they would dump these clowns faster than it takes to catch a disease in one of their tent cities.

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