Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Women's History Museum at Fair Park to Close Before Hosting WWCD-Sponsored Seminar on Gender Sensitivity

DALLAS - After 11 years in operation, 1.5 million visitors and a loss of more than $4 million since 2007, the Women’s Museum: An Institute for the Future at Fair Park will close its historic art deco facility Oct. 31.

So Dallas has had a Women's History Museum for 11 years and it only lost $4 million? Our struggling country needs the brave man who was running this taco stand to be Commerce Secretary and we needed him yesterday. If you can convince innocent, hard-working Dallasites to spend their precious disposable income strolling through tricked-up, over-priced stories of PMS'ing through business meetings and not overcooking the pot roast, all while keeping your losses under $1 million/year, then you've done one helluva job, sir. Not something just any ol' broad could take on. I mean, once you get past the first room with Condi, Hillary, Billie Jean King, and Jenna Jameson, what the hell else you do have? Hopefully a nice juice bar, gift shop, and some hands-on ironing and cooking sets for the kid girls to play with to learn a little something from the greats.

By the Way: That museum saw 1.5 million visitors like Marlins' day games have 20,000 fans. It's all about butts in the seats, not tickets given away, guys.

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