Monday, October 17, 2011

Even Lazy, Ugly Strippers Are Looking for a Handout These Days

DALLAS - Next time you roll into a gentleman's establishment, ask yourself one question: Is this place in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938? That's the law that established a national minimum wage and overtime pay. But the women who dance in topless and nudie joints don't make minimum wage and overtime. Which is why, earlier this year, a federal judge in D.C. ruled in favor of four dancers who worked at a place called The House, insisting that they were employees due a fair wage, not merely "independent contractors" shaking it for loose change.

...more and more cases are being filed -- like the one that landed at the Earle Cabell on Friday afternoon, brought by three women who've spent time on the pole at Jaguars Gold Club and are suing the Dallas-based ownership over proper pay.

So let me get this straight... these whores think that a mandated $7.25/hr will solve all their problems? Never mind the lack of any father figure and the occasional cocaine use, we're just going to gloss over all those party pounds, C-section scar and the fact that your on-stage presence is as sexy as a sleepwalking walrus? So your G-string's a few bills short when Def Leppard ends. How about mixing a salad, and a treadmill, and a little enthusiasm? Those flaccid cocks are gettin' up on their own. Time to invest up top and let those Jaguars clients get a little handsy. Let's show a little hustle out there and call yourself a damn professional.

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