Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today's Divorce Lesson: Get Your Ass to Larry Friedman Before She Does

PROSPER - Pilar Sanders took the stand to run down her monthly expenses and tell the court how much she needs from Deion: $24,000 a month, or $288,000 annually. She said the former Cowboy and Hall of Fame player has encouraged her to use credit cards he’s stopped paying for. As a result, she’s spent $2,000 a month on groceries because she buys organic produce, $900 on children’s clothes, $450 for haircuts, $500 for school lunches, $500 for cellphone family plans,  $900 for entertainment and $5,000-$6,000 to rent a home. She also said she has spent $750 each month for child care.
While Pilar said she plans to find a job, she’s asking that Deion also fund training, such as online courses, and upkeep of her photo portfolio, her fitness and grooming expenses.

Not a bad gig being Pilar's kids after all, huh? $25 a day for a school lunch? I didn't know Bob's Steakhouse had a Prosper High location. Still a raw deal for having to foot the bill for your ex-wife's fitness and grooming bills only to have some young hotshot plant his seed in her plowed field.

UPDATE: The judge ordered Deion to pay $275,000 in Pilar’s attorneys fees; child support totaling $10,550 a month; and $3,500 a month in upkeep for a house that she will live in in Celina.
Pilar must return to Deion samurai statues and bowls that now fill six storage pods. Deion must pay for unloading them.
Pilar said the $24,000 a month she’s seeking for living expenses is “reasonable and necessary,” because the children are accustomed to a comfortable lifestyle.

Can't mess with a brotha's bowls and statues. Shit gets real.

I'll tell you one thing, I sure can't have Dallas' finest blood-sucking, gutter-scum divorce attorney sniffing around the WWCD books until I can technically account for all that ad revenue. There's obviously a certain lifestyle the misses is accustomed to, but if she and Friedman go poking around this flimsy house of cards, she's gonna find some things she wishes she hadn't seen. Sometimes being the angry, neglected boss' wife living in the shadow of a younger sidepiece and an emotionally-distant husband isn't so bad when you can just turn a blind eye and keep making those hair and nail appointment from the joint accounts.

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