Wednesday, October 17, 2012

DJ Mbenga Shoots 50% on Field Sobriety Tests, Arrested Anyway

DALLASFormer Dallas Maverick DJ Mbenga was arrested for public intoxication Tuesday morning after putting his hand on an officer's chest while leaving a restaurant at Fitzhugh Ave. and U.S. 75, according to a police report. The document says Mbenga was attempting to exit the Buzzbrews Kitchen at 4 a.m. Tuesday as a pair of Dallas police officers were walking in. The 7-foot Center put his palm on one one's chest and said, “You move out of my way.”
The officer stopped and responded, “You don’t touch police, let alone make that statement.” The incident report then says Mbenga said, “You want to go? I do what I want, so you move out of the way!” The officers smelled alcohol on the 32-year-old’s breath, who also had “unsteady balance” and bloodshot eyes. Mbenga was escorted out of the restaurant but continued to argue with the officers. The police report says he was cuffed and failed three of six field sobriety tests.
He was then taken to jail for public intoxication. The report says a witness told police he saw Mbenga act aggressively toward both the staff and a woman who he arrived with at the restaurant. The incident report says Mbenga told officers that he was a former Mav who was “supposed to go sign with the (Toronto) Raptors" before they took him to the detox center.
Tough crowd for a town with a recent championship, huh? I know the Moose wasn't here for it, but the guy's put in his time in the League with a respectable 47% from the field. I know paint players should be high percentage shooters, but the guy goes out and shoots 3 for 6 in crunch time like a pro, and still gets cuffed? Tough night for sure. Come on, officers, you knew he had "unsteady balance" years ago, that's why the Mavs let him walk in the first place. Moose never had a chance with these Dallas transplants, and he should've known it the second he had to tell them who he was. I feel ya, DJ. Hell, half the fun of going to Buzzbrews after 2am is the chance to run into some pseudo-celeb pushing the legal limit. If I know this town's late night taqueria scene like I think I do, there's no way he wasn't trying to high-five these pigs and just missed it like a free throw.

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