Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pill-Popping DFW Moms Finally Learning What it Takes to Be a Winner

“I am a supermom, that is all there is to it. I am on my game for my kids”

That sound your hear is my interns replacing the old "Blog Like a Champion Today" sign above the door to WWCD headquarters with "I'm a super-blogger, that's all there is to it. I'm on my game for my readers." Just like my boy Lance and me, Heather Moore finally figured out what it takes get to the top. Whether it's seven tour titles, 2 blog Pulitzers, or the illusive Mom-of-the-Year, sometimes the increasing blood pressure, lack of sleep, and trembling extremities are minor collateral damages on the path to greatness. You bet your ass it was tough for Mr. LiveStrong to climb up the Pyrenees while fighting cancer and skepticism, or for yours truly to pound out hilarious blog posts in the face of crippling writer's block and cock-starved groupies. Welcome to the club, Heather. The Winners' Club.

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