Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Everything's Cool, Guys, Vince Young Was Just Trying to Get $8,000 in $1's That Unforgettable Night in a Dallas Strip Club

DALLAS - Maybe you remember: Back in June of last year, Vince Young got into it with a gentleman named Creiton Kinchen at the strip club Onyx off of Northwest Highway. At the time, story was Young didn't take kindly to Kinchen's flashing him the upside-down "Hook 'Em Horns." A scuffle ensued in the wee small hours of a Sunday morning, and the QB got himself a misdemeanor citation courtesy the Dallas Police Department.

Well, today we find out the rest of the story ... allegedly. And it's so much better than originally told. This morning, Kinchen went down to the Dallas County courthouse and filed suit against the Houston native. Kinchen's suing Young for assault with a deadly weapon ("fist and feet"), and wants unspecified damages for injuries he says he suffered, as well as "mental anguish in the past and in the present."

Says Kinchen, on July 12, he was at Club Onyx, where he serves as "a manager with varied responsibilities," when Young came up to him. Says the suit:
Creiton was working minding his own business in the "cage" area dealing with an employee on credit card issues, when suddenly and without provocation, an intoxicated Vince Young began cursing and making derogatory remarks to Creiton because Creiton refused to sell Vince Young $8,000 (Eight thousand dollars) in $1.00 (One dollar denominations) using Vince Young's credit card. It was Vince Young intention to use the $1.00 bills to tip and throw money at the dancers who would entertain him and his party that evening.
There are many things that a star quarterback in Texas is entitled to... higher education, gifts from anonymous boosters, running a train on sorority girls angry who are angry at their dads, the old police officer look-away, and the like. If there is one absolute though, it's that when frequenting the Titter, a Fort Knox-sized vault must be available for unlimited $20's and $1's. There's a lot of pressure on these guys, and its the least we can do as a respected gentlemen's establishment... hell, as Texans, to allow these heroes to make it rain and motorboat some saggers at the snap of a finger. If this Creiton Kinchen was schooled in Strip Club 101, he'd know you can't turn down a drunk, famous athlete's request for a cash transaction. You wanna charge a 25% transaction fee? Boom. Done. Tits for Vince, tips for the sluts, and Creiton gets to pay that past-notice utility bill on his Carrollton duplex. Everyone wins, really. VY should be suing this guy and Club Onyx for denying him the right to kick ass in a timely fashion. This is Dallas, damnit.

By the Way - No, this picture probably wasn't from that night, but if I was looking this kick ass, I would sure as hell hope someone caught it and used it for a blog post.

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