Monday, October 31, 2011

A New Day

Even with all of the winning in this town, we can't be so naive to think that even the strongest don't go down every once in a while, and when the big boys go down, it hurts. Thursday and Friday in St. Louis happened, and Sunday night in Philly might have even happened.

Don't ever forget that this is a city of winners. When Dallas looks at its dirty laundry and sees that CJ jersey-tee staring back, and can't get the image of that ball going over Nellie's head, just remember, this ain't Detroit or St. Louis. You can get a job in this town, you don't have to shovel snow for half a year, you don't have to fend off smelly hippies, and most importantly, there are hots that losers in other towns dream of, all around us, just begging for guys like you and I who can lay some pipe on a Thursday night after pounding Jager bombs and making the valet guy break a $100. We are so money, and no little baseball game is going to keep us from kicking ass like those other shithole towns dream about.

"D-Town bound, cause Dallas Texas is my city, and I'm gonna represent it..."

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