Thursday, May 30, 2013

Chicken Scratch Is Dominating the Local Billboard Game

Richards Group doing it big, per usual. Chicken Scratch and the Foundry give zero shits. They're still gonna throw down the best non-Katy Trail patio game around. The coolest places in every big city are in transitioning neighborhoods. They know it, and if you wanna keep up, you better know it. Think pulling up in some Mexican cartel mule's front yard is gonna slow down the J Blacks or Slip Inn crowds? Please. Gotta park in a car wash bay at Goodfriend? It was dirty anyway. Have to turn down panhandling transients while walking to Cane Rosso or Sunset Lounge? You don't even carry cash, bro. Whoever doesn't get signs like this doesn't belong anyhow.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the writeup! Here's more proof you need to eat here.
