Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fort Worth Freshman Suspended for Comments on Gays, Still Has a Long Way to Go to Become a WWCD Intern

FORT WORTHA foreign language class and the First Amendment collided at Western Hills High School on Tuesday when Dakota Ary said he made a casual comment to a friend. “Someone in the back of the classroom asked, ‘What are the views on gays in Germany and Europe?,’” Ary explained. “And I said to my friend behind me that, ‘I’m a Christian, I believe gays are wrong.'” The comment landed the high school freshmen in a vice-principal’s office with a disciplinary note. School administrators then suspended Dakota for two days, until his mother hired an attorney and met with principals on Wednesday morning. Dakota’s mother, Holly Pope, said her son maintains good grades, plus he plays tight end on the freshmen football team.

Look, Dakota, no one respects your right to free speech, particularly about the intrusive and overbearing gay community, more than me. It's just that when it came time make the Varsity Intolerance Team, you just solidified your place on the Freshmen squad for the year. First, if you're going to call queens out, you've gotta start going by your middle name or something, not the name of a frail child actress. Second, if you're gonna get that precious TV airtime, you've gotta drop a Mucinex or at least hawk that phlegm out like it's your job. Clean it up a little, homecoming's right around the corner. Third, tight end? Come on, bro, no one's buying it with that frame, or else your QB is a Romo lung puncture waiting to happen. Even Witten has to block first, buddy, it's not all about pass-catching and glory. Finally, you can't just come out and say that "gays are wrong." You got baited and drawn offsides by something that was bigger than you or the original question, and you moved us all back 5 yards in the process. It's way too direct, abrasive, and hurtful. Try working for a blog that underhandedly points out the moral and social deficiencies of the gay in a cheap and sarcastic, yet convenient and hilarious forum. It's how everyone wins, Dakota, without the cumbersome suspensions or meddling, hyper-tolerant administrators. Heed this advice, get that degree, and talk to me in four years. There just might be a spot for you at WWCD if you can tighten that game up. The gays will still be here for you.

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