Monday, September 12, 2011

TCU Killing Baylor Where It Counts: The Fray, On Campus

I know, I know, the Benefactor must be a fag, dudes don't listen to the f'ing Fray, yeah yeah yeah. Well, listen here, kiddo, college concerts aren't about you. They aren't about expanding your musical horizons or betting how deep into their catalogue the band can go. They're about one thing - gettin' chicks wet, and there isn't a better band in the game right now than The Fray. You stand next to some smokin' heat in front of a live performance of "You Found Me," have the lyrics memorized like it's your fantasy football roster, sing along like talent scouts are watching, and you're shooting fish in a barrel. Bombshells who ordinarily wouldn't give a scumbag like you the time of day will be on your junk before you two can find a room. It's more of a guarantee than ruffie-filled trashcan punch, and without the guilt... the guilt of sullying a good trashcan obviously. This is what being a BCS team is all about, just winnin' big bowls and poundin' tight holes. "T-C-U! T-C-U! T-C-U!"

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