Monday, July 30, 2012

Dirk Nowitzki Continues to Lose the Marriage Game

KENYA - Here are more photos of Dallas Mavericks’ Dirk Nowitzki during a ceremony where he paid dowry for his bride to be Jessica Ollson. The NBA star was in Kenya honoring his fiance’s wish to hold a traditional Kikuyu ceremony commonly practised in Kenya.
Jessica is said to still hold this customary ceremony dear and expressed her wish to share the moment with her extended family in Kenya. The couple is scheduled to hold an official wedding in Germany.

I know everybody and their girlfriend has already talked about this potential Dirk wedding or whatever, but I just can't let it go. It's bad enough when you're still fighting through your buddies' "I told ya so's" from a failed engagement to a transient grifter during a playoff run. Now he's gettin' dragged over to Obama-land to get ass-whipped with goat-tails and the icy stares of javelin-wielding bridesmaids. Weren't we all told this broad was from Sweden anyway? Who needs the natural beauty of a Stockholm summer when you can take the Texas heat to a third world backyard I guess. She better do moves in the sack my wife doesn't even know about.

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