Monday, October 31, 2011
It's Official: West Village Has Fully Come Out of the Closet
Let's be honest for a minute. For a few years now we've all been growing a little uncomfortable when waiting on a Blue Burger at Burger Bar, and forget getting a drink at Mi Cocina. Food's still fine and all, but it's just impossible not to notice the creeping influence of the Gay on what was once a pretty choice area for bro's looking to get their drink on before walking across the street to the Loon. Well, now I'm afraid our little old West Village has contracted the full-blown gay. They weren't happy taking over Cedar Springs like unassimilating Muslims in a progressive, over-tolerant Euro-state. Now they're bringing Halloween flash mobs outside Taco Diner while you're trying to sip your Mambo Taxi in relative hetero tranquility. If we're not careful, that stripper pole at the Lemon Bar is going to have the Indian chief from the Village People goin' Macho Man on it instead of the blonde heat you used to see when you walked in trying to get pregnant from it. Is there like a scent we can use as a repellent? What about a high-pitched whistle? Is that for gays or dogs? I don't even know anymore!
A New Day
Even with all of the winning in this town, we can't be so naive to think that even the strongest don't go down every once in a while, and when the big boys go down, it hurts. Thursday and Friday in St. Louis happened, and Sunday night in Philly might have even happened.
Don't ever forget that this is a city of winners. When Dallas looks at its dirty laundry and sees that CJ jersey-tee staring back, and can't get the image of that ball going over Nellie's head, just remember, this ain't Detroit or St. Louis. You can get a job in this town, you don't have to shovel snow for half a year, you don't have to fend off smelly hippies, and most importantly, there are hots that losers in other towns dream of, all around us, just begging for guys like you and I who can lay some pipe on a Thursday night after pounding Jager bombs and making the valet guy break a $100. We are so money, and no little baseball game is going to keep us from kicking ass like those other shithole towns dream about.
"D-Town bound, cause Dallas Texas is my city, and I'm gonna represent it..."
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Everything's Cool, Guys, Vince Young Was Just Trying to Get $8,000 in $1's That Unforgettable Night in a Dallas Strip Club
DALLAS - Maybe you remember: Back in June of last year, Vince Young got into it with a gentleman named Creiton Kinchen at the strip club Onyx off of Northwest Highway. At the time, story was Young didn't take kindly to Kinchen's flashing him the upside-down "Hook 'Em Horns." A scuffle ensued in the wee small hours of a Sunday morning, and the QB got himself a misdemeanor citation courtesy the Dallas Police Department.
Well, today we find out the rest of the story ... allegedly. And it's so much better than originally told. This morning, Kinchen went down to the Dallas County courthouse and filed suit against the Houston native. Kinchen's suing Young for assault with a deadly weapon ("fist and feet"), and wants unspecified damages for injuries he says he suffered, as well as "mental anguish in the past and in the present."
Says Kinchen, on July 12, he was at Club Onyx, where he serves as "a manager with varied responsibilities," when Young came up to him. Says the suit:
Creiton was working minding his own business in the "cage" area dealing with an employee on credit card issues, when suddenly and without provocation, an intoxicated Vince Young began cursing and making derogatory remarks to Creiton because Creiton refused to sell Vince Young $8,000 (Eight thousand dollars) in $1.00 (One dollar denominations) using Vince Young's credit card. It was Vince Young intention to use the $1.00 bills to tip and throw money at the dancers who would entertain him and his party that evening.There are many things that a star quarterback in Texas is entitled to... higher education, gifts from anonymous boosters, running a train on sorority girls angry who are angry at their dads, the old police officer look-away, and the like. If there is one absolute though, it's that when frequenting the Titter, a Fort Knox-sized vault must be available for unlimited $20's and $1's. There's a lot of pressure on these guys, and its the least we can do as a respected gentlemen's establishment... hell, as Texans, to allow these heroes to make it rain and motorboat some saggers at the snap of a finger. If this Creiton Kinchen was schooled in Strip Club 101, he'd know you can't turn down a drunk, famous athlete's request for a cash transaction. You wanna charge a 25% transaction fee? Boom. Done. Tits for Vince, tips for the sluts, and Creiton gets to pay that past-notice utility bill on his Carrollton duplex. Everyone wins, really. VY should be suing this guy and Club Onyx for denying him the right to kick ass in a timely fashion. This is Dallas, damnit.
By the Way - No, this picture probably wasn't from that night, but if I was looking this kick ass, I would sure as hell hope someone caught it and used it for a blog post.
Yes, Of Course Derek Holland's Apartment Looks Like This
Livin' The Dream: Derek Holland from MLB Players on Vimeo.
So his cabinets are lined with liquor, his counters are filled with beer pong cups and Doritos, and he sleeps on a blow-up mattress so his parents can stay with him. (Sigh...) Yes, an entire millions-strong fan base just rested a 40-year-old championship dream on Harold and Kumar's roommate.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Michael Irvin Goes Full Throttle Even at 8th Grade Football Games
Look, I'm all for berating one's own 14-year-old son during a football game, F-bombs and all. It's the American way. You've gotta stay aggressive when motivating kids these days, damn Facebook and rock music. If you're the true #88 though, you've gotta keep your swag first and foremost. Losing your composure next to a bunch of suit-wearing dads and cell-phone-wielding trophy wives in suburbia just isn't a Hall of Fame move, Big Mike. You're better than this. Just get back to the car, light one up, and chill out next time.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Dallas Not Winning in One Thing: Respectable Protests
OAK CLIFF - Occupy Dallas protesters infiltrated an Oak Cliff Wal-Mart this evening -- a demonstration that ended when as many as a dozen Dallas police cars showed up to hustle them out.
"We always planned to march on Wal-Mart," said Dack Decker, who wouldn't exactly blend in at the store with his button-festooned denim jacket and yellow-streaked hair. "But it didn't come together until about 10 minutes before." Decker (real name, he tells me) said he and roughly two dozen protestors went into the store covertly at 6 p.m. and spent 15 minutes stashing fliers inside products.
"Then we blew a whistle." The occupiers "marched down the aisles," Decker said, putting their fliers over price tags, DVD racks, "just anything we could." Then they circled the cash registers, chanting: "We are the 99 percent," "What's disgusting? Union busting," and such.
Police cars began to fill the parking lot. Decker and his compatriots said officers entered the store, lined up in a chain, and herded them out.
This is losing on so many levels I can't even begin to add it up. And in October no less. As if the Rangers starters weren't choking enough, we've got these rookies making the real Occupy windbags look like the '27 Yankees. While the Manhattan crowd is fighting the futile fight at Wall Street Ground Zero, these misguided hipsters think the real battle-ground over imperialism and corruption is a low rent Wal-Mart? Talk about playing flag football while the big boys are playing tackle. Poor Pablo and his four kids are just trying to get some bread, milk, socks, and underwear on a roofer's salary, and now he has to deal with an over-zealous, hyper-idealistic humanities grad student telling him why he should go to Whole Foods and Urban Outfitters while making everyone miss Game One first pitch. Just shoddy protesting, really. You're in DALLAS. You have literally hundreds of establishments to choose from to paint a picture of greed, and you go south of the Trinity to a discount retail outfit? If Occupy was serious, they would dump these clowns faster than it takes to catch a disease in one of their tent cities.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Even Lazy, Ugly Strippers Are Looking for a Handout These Days
...more and more cases are being filed -- like the one that landed at the Earle Cabell on Friday afternoon, brought by three women who've spent time on the pole at Jaguars Gold Club and are suing the Dallas-based ownership over proper pay.
So let me get this straight... these whores think that a mandated $7.25/hr will solve all their problems? Never mind the lack of any father figure and the occasional cocaine use, we're just going to gloss over all those party pounds, C-section scar and the fact that your on-stage presence is as sexy as a sleepwalking walrus? So your G-string's a few bills short when Def Leppard ends. How about mixing a salad, and a treadmill, and a little enthusiasm? Those flaccid cocks are gettin' up on their own. Time to invest up top and let those Jaguars clients get a little handsy. Let's show a little hustle out there and call yourself a damn professional.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
WWCD Covering ALCS Like You Dream About
From Jack Ingram to the ginger ale shower, your WWCD staff was all over it...

Celebrating as AL champs...

Cards, BrewCrew, who gives a shit. We've all known this team is hotter than backwoods Arkansas moonshine (credit Alex on that birthday gift). City of champions keeps growing. Let's get it done, boys!
Taking the field like champs...
Celebrating as AL champs...
Cards, BrewCrew, who gives a shit. We've all known this team is hotter than backwoods Arkansas moonshine (credit Alex on that birthday gift). City of champions keeps growing. Let's get it done, boys!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Probably not the most favorable scoreboard here if you are the away team. Wonder what the instant odds are of the visitor winning that game.... 100-1? I'm not scared to take that next time though... great value there.

First he can't figure out when to hold and when to bring someone home, now Dave Anderson gets in the way of a photo you dream of? When can we get this bum outta town?

What in sports is more exciting than seeing something like this as a player? Anything?

Gotta hate the ol' home plate facial. Gets you in the eyes every time.

When is it all right to high-five a General Manager's pregnant wife, as well as to Team President and all-around icon? This. This is probably that time.

Well, no doubt that was worth watching at least a dozen times. Just the first walk-off Slam in post-season history. In the 11th. No big deal. No one wants to play this team right now, and they can't even get decent performances from their starters or get all their hitters going. Stomp that head right into the curb before they can get up, boys, and let's get this thing done in four!
First he can't figure out when to hold and when to bring someone home, now Dave Anderson gets in the way of a photo you dream of? When can we get this bum outta town?
What in sports is more exciting than seeing something like this as a player? Anything?
Gotta hate the ol' home plate facial. Gets you in the eyes every time.
When is it all right to high-five a General Manager's pregnant wife, as well as to Team President and all-around icon? This. This is probably that time.
Well, no doubt that was worth watching at least a dozen times. Just the first walk-off Slam in post-season history. In the 11th. No big deal. No one wants to play this team right now, and they can't even get decent performances from their starters or get all their hitters going. Stomp that head right into the curb before they can get up, boys, and let's get this thing done in four!
Rangers Fans: Don't Hate Mistaken Meteorologists or Bumbling Baseball Executies. Hate This Man...
As Baseball Time in Arlington points out, a little more Ranger vitriol should probably be aimed at Fox for potentially refusing to move the abortion of the X Factor instead of the ALCS. You would think that if MLB granted a network rights to broadcast a game, somewhere in that contract it would say that said network can't shove a baseball bat up the collective fans' asses by showing multiple League Championship games during the day. I can't imagine the NFC Championship beingplayed during your Wednesday afternoon marketing brainstorming meeting, or if the Mavs-OKC Game 2 4th Quarter was starting up during your 5:00pm drive. We can all be upset about the Game 2 move, but weather happens and that clearly wasn't planned ahead of time. I also refuse to believe that MLB would refuse to place two games on at even nearly the same time. Other sports don't seem to have a problem with it, as certainly more people will watch either primetime game than one during normal work hours.The fact that Games 4 and 5 of a League Championship were planned well in advance to be at 3:15 is slap in the face to fans, an embarrassment to the league, another step back in the uphill battle of MLB marketability and popularity, and something that will hopefully somehow backfire in Selig and Fox's face.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Sporting News Tells the Rest of the Country What We Already Know, Names Dallas 2011 Best Sports City
SPORTING NEWS - You’re driving south on I-35 from Oklahoma (maybe for Texas-OU football) and come to Sporting News’ 2011 Best Sports City. It’s a sports-mad place that has world champions and World Series participants, BCS bowl winners and if not the NFL’s most popular team, then certainly its grandest venue. Where are you?
Not just Dallas, though that’s on I-35E and where the Mavericks’ NBA championship parade drew 200,000. Not just Fort Worth, though that’s on I-35W and where 13-0 TCU celebrated its pulsing Rose Bowl win over Wisconsin. (Right about now is when Arlington—Texas’ seventh-largest city—pipes in: Hold on, Hoss, we’re on I-30, and the AL champion Rangers and America’s Team Cowboys call us home.)
You get the picture. The whole of the athletic area exceeds the sum of its sports parts, and in these parts it’s all about winning. The Cowboys’ collapse and Stars’ ownership struggles were merely the quarter-teaspoon of lemon that heightened the sweetness of championships won.
Don’t sleep on MLS Cup runner-up FC Dallas and MVP David Ferreira, Texas Motor Speedway and postseason bowl games, high school football and palatial Cowboys Stadium, which has also played host to an NBA All-Star game. SMU football is back (legally) and though college hoops takes a back seat, you could fill out a dang good five with talent from the area. And did we mention Texas-OU football?
Move your ass, Boston. Couldn't have written a better story myself. Will definitely be an easier argument once the Rangers hoist the World Series Trophy in a few weeks, but throw in the trophy chicks struttin' around town, and Dallas wins in a landslide.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Wash, Beltre Wave Bye-Bye to Tampa, Again
Hey Harrison, can't it wait until you're back home, pants-down in front of your computer?
Well hello, Mrs. Adams... how about you the ditch the kid and the home run chump and get with a media mogul
Women's History Museum at Fair Park to Close Before Hosting WWCD-Sponsored Seminar on Gender Sensitivity
DALLAS - After 11 years in operation, 1.5 million visitors and a loss of more than $4 million since 2007, the Women’s Museum: An Institute for the Future at Fair Park will close its historic art deco facility Oct. 31.
So Dallas has had a Women's History Museum for 11 years and it only lost $4 million? Our struggling country needs the brave man who was running this taco stand to be Commerce Secretary and we needed him yesterday. If you can convince innocent, hard-working Dallasites to spend their precious disposable income strolling through tricked-up, over-priced stories of PMS'ing through business meetings and not overcooking the pot roast, all while keeping your losses under $1 million/year, then you've done one helluva job, sir. Not something just any ol' broad could take on. I mean, once you get past the first room with Condi, Hillary, Billie Jean King, and Jenna Jameson, what the hell else you do have? Hopefully a nice juice bar, gift shop, and some hands-on ironing and cooking sets for the kid girls to play with to learn a little something from the greats.
By the Way: That museum saw 1.5 million visitors like Marlins' day games have 20,000 fans. It's all about butts in the seats, not tickets given away, guys.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Waxahachie Plays with Fire Trying to Keep Up with the Big Boys, Gets Burned
WAXAHACHIE - A fire chief said the Waxahachie chemical fire led to a civil emergency for Ellis County and the evacuation of about 1,000 people. The massive fire at the Magnablend chemical plant resulted in the Civil Authority announcing the emergency message. The Waxahachie fire chief said the fire started when chemicals were being mixed at the plant and had a bad reaction, creating an explosion. Containers holding unknown liquids could be seen exploding and melting.
Really gotta feel for the "little Metroplex towns that could" during October. While all the big dogs are straight puttin' on a show, the runts are forced to eat their own shit just to get a little attention. Dallas is getting people talking with the Fair, Komen Race for the Cure, Taylor Swift, and Boo at the Zoo, Arlington's killing it with Cowboys, Rangers post-season, and FrightFest, and even Fort Worth just brought the nation's greatest rivalry and smokefest to overtime. What's little ol' Waxahachie do to keep up? Just basically try to blow itself up with a Junior High chemistry class stunt. Only a couple of workers were hurt, no more than 1000 people had to evacuate, and a pretty gay chemical plant was destroyed, so I guess it was worth the cheap daytime cable news air time. Still though, maybe they could learn a little from the innovative minds in Azle and just elect a special needs kid Homecoming Queen. A lot less destruction, and every loves the feel-good stories. Just a poor move all around, Waxahachie. Maybe you can win some crappy month like March or something.
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