So apparently over the weekend there was a big fuss in the Morning News and the Observer over Rick Perry issuing his disgust at the California capital's snickering before the smoke even cleared. The sub-human author even defended it and said he would do it again. I know I'd be pretty pissed too if I had to look at the scoreboard and see my state losing jobs and tax-paying citizens while drowning in billions of debt when compared to the Lone Star State. However, we've got one hard and fast rule around here, and that's to steer clear of death. I'd think an actual, established newspaper could at least try to keep up with our low ethical bar. But how about the lead story being, not the blatant indecency that started it, but Perry's reaction? What the hell's going on around here?
By the Way - Only scum-of-the-Earth Observer commenters would continue to use the backdrop of over a dozen brave emergency responders' deaths to go on anti-Rick Perry rants. Makes me feel a lot better about bashing 10-year-olds or pointing and laughing at hard-nippled exercisers.