Tuesday, November 29, 2011

UNT Students Protesting the Right to Make Everyone's Clothes Smell Like an 18th Century Coal Mine and Our Lungs Look Like One

DENTON - The Young Americans for Liberty organization passed out free cigarettes Monday and asked students to sign its petition in protest of UNT’s proposed smoking ban. As of 1:15 p.m. Monday, the group had collected almost 200 signatures.
Economics senior Clint Townsend headed the protesters. “I believe in individual liberty and personal responsibility,” Townsend said. “I think that the right to smoke is a fundamental right and it should be respected. It’s a very pertinent issue.” The current policy for smoking on campus prohibits smoking in campus vehicles, inside buildings or within 25 feet of a building. Though he does not smoke, Townsend said the university should not force its will on others, adding that he feels the current policy is sufficient.

What is it with UNT students shoving themselves in the news every week? If they aren't printing fake $20's or making sex tapes, they're shoving cigs in clean, innocent faces across campus because some 60's stoner sociology professor got on an ideological soapbox and brainwashed a few friendless debate club dorks. Nevermind the fact that I never remember reading about any right to smoke in any government class I was in, whatever happened to just pounding some Natty Lights and creeping on that hot from your study group or pissing in the school fountain like normal college kids? No way this Clint Townsend joker went through four years of college and still cares about freshmen level stuff like this if he had been out stuffing Chi O's and waking up in a mixture of vomit and shame like a real student.

By the Way - It should be noted that the bitch and the other idiots pictured are actually from some mindless Berkley protest. Go figure. Denton doesn't appear far behind anymore though.

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