Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Just Cubes Being Cubes, This Time Putting Up 5 Large to Save a Legendary Dallas Tradition

DALLAS - The Dallas Mavericks’ owner has written a check of undisclosed size that will allow this year’s Greenville Avenue St. Patrick’s Day parade to proceed as planned.“I just thought it was the right thing to do,” Cuban said in an email. “I have had some great times at the parade and I really wanted to see it continue.” Cuban said organizers promised to allow him to promote one of his companies — — in exchange for the donation.
This will be the second major Dallas parade in a year that Cuban has subsidized.
Last June, as the city of Dallas faced severe budget cutbacks, Cuban bankrolled the downtown parade to celebrate the Mavericks’ NBA championship.
“I have no problem paying for parades that make the city of Dallas happy,” Cuban said.
Jake Levy, the parade’s chief organizer, said Cuban has served as grand marshal of the Greenville Avenue parade in the past.
Cuban also donated an undisclosed amount to a scholarship fund administered by the Greenville Avenue Business Association, sponsors of the parade, Levy said.
Levy had said earlier this month that the parade would be canceled unless supporters could find $40,000 to help cover the cost of security and cleanup. The overall parade budget is about $100,000.

Just another day in the life of an everyman's billionaire. Buy an NBA team, win a ring, kill it on Shark Tank, and save the single greatest day that the city of Dallas has to offer. You can't just meet up with 100,000 freaks and get shit-housed on green beer near make-shift stripper polls in an Office Depot parking lot on a random Saturday morning without a little help. Sure local business were probably going to pool together $40k to cover the costs, but why the hell not sweep in and be the hero? This guy know how to party or what? Grand Marshall for life!

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