Monday, February 6, 2012

Is It Possible That Super Bowl XLVI Might Have Been the Greatest Ever?

My #1 girl showing the entire world what she's gonna wear and what will be left on the floor of my new House condo bedroom on our Valentine's Day date? Bring it, Lima.

The great Avicii dominating the big leagues Super Bowl-style with Bud Light Platinum right after my first two props hit? Looks like I just found my new beer.

Giants +3? Nailed it.
Giants First Half +1? Dirty Push... F it.
First Half Under 27? Nailed it.
Giants Second Half Moneyline +135? Crushed it.
4-1 on prop bets? Yes sir.
Conveniently forgetting the few wagers that lost? Who cares when you're up large on the night and are drunk on winnings and Crown Royal?

No Cowboys fan wanted to see that bumbling mouth-breather hoist the Lombardi any less than me, but with the G-men crushing it week after week, you can't just jump off the money train now. Seeing those pieces of shit celebrate is a lot more tolerable when you're fist pumping the night away a winner. Super Bowl 46 Forever! Que Levels, live edition from the January Palladium show!

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