Friday, September 21, 2012

Jerry Being Jerry: Taking Over the Online Gay Cowboy Dating Scene One Misleading Domain Name at a Time

DALLAS[2007] led to the Cowboys losing out on the coveted domain name in an auction, which came back to haunt them this week when launched as a gay and straight cowboys dating website after spending the past five years in hibernation. Yee-haw!
Despite being declared the most valuable team in the world, Jones and his organization was bucked off the domain bronco in 2007 because of a price misunderstanding during an auction for the domain. DomainNameNews reports a Dallas Cowboys representative had the winning bid of “275″ in an auction for the domain in October 2007. But unknown to the winning bidder, that bid was in thousands and not singles.
The Cowboys balked at the high price tag and the domain was put up for auction again, which was won by a group led by Eric Rice for $370,000, DomainNameNews also reported.

Do I write too many gay-oriented posts? Probably. Is Jerry the second-most sneaky brilliant and innovative billionaire sports-owner in this town? Absolutely. Even with all the concerts and college games, that stadium isn't paying for itself, and Jerry of all people knows when and where to tap that lucrative glory hole, as it were. There may be one demographic that Jerry hasn't quite yet penetrated, so to speak, and that's the gay, and what a better town to attract the gay than Dallas. Sure he can't exactly bust out a rap like he's slingin' five-star combo's. Bottom line, if this Eric Rice bro isn't sneakin' around on the 'Boys dime, I'll eat my novelty foam finger. They're not just stocking up on those pink #9 jersey's for blonde side-pieces.

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