Wednesday, December 12, 2012

WWCD Must Have Been Ineligible, Big Tex Tops Dallas' 2012 Google Search List

So Frontburner provided something moderately useful today and gave us a taste of what Dallasites are secretly Googling when no one's looking. Apparently they didn't want to embarrass themselves by including competing blogs. I get it. Keep swingin, D Magazine, eventually you'll be up here with the big swingin' D's like me. So...

1. Big Tex
2. Dallas Cowboys
3. Dallas Craigslist
4. Texas Rangers
5. Black Friday
6. Presidential Polls
7. Southern Methodist University
8. Dallas Mavericks
9. Studio Movie Grill
10. North Texas Tollway Authority

Besides leaving out such WWCD expose gems as pill-popping moms or bloody tampon attacks, there's unquestionably a few here that stink to high heavens. Look, D Mag, we all know your game. "Best Doctors," "Best Lawyers," "Best Tits," there's not a single list you churn out without a little quid quo pro. Not that there's anything wrong with shady deals, but let's at least call a spade a spade. You and I both can't prove that this heart doc is better than that one, and you sure as hell can't sit here and tell me that SMU and the Studio Movie Grill are in the top 10 most searched list. We all know it's tough times when you're featuring 6-6 football teams and over-priced popcorn, not to mention trying to push print magazines. Why not team up and talk about how popular you all are, right? I for one would just appreciate a little journalistic integrity for once. You can't just smugly sit there and tell me with a straight face that Rhonda Aikman or flax seed and blue corn tortillas weren't among the most googled in this town.

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