Friday, January 6, 2012

Cubes Bans Anything Anti-Kardashian at Mavs-Suns Game, Later Publicly Supports the Terrorists

DALLAS - “Mark wanted to make them feel at home. They were both treated like rockstars,” our source reveals. “They were given anything they desired and the organization wanted them to feel respected and more loved than in LA.”
So guess what Mark told his staff!
“The staff were told that if there was any type of anti-Kardashian sign or chant that the fans would be reprimanded, removed and the signs taken away,” the source continues. “Luckily the visit went off without a hitch!”

Well, at least most Hollywood celeb web sites are written by over-caffeinated 17-year-old girls, so my readers should comfortable this time. But more to the point at hand, this is America isn't it? Cause going to a Mavs game these days is kinda like visiting China or Cuba and publicly expressing mild displeasure at their system of governing. You'd think that Cuban of all people would remember that a substantial part of the fan experience is expressing displeasure. Have a little dignity. Let that smog-pit out west kiss their fat asses and at least let us pretend like we are better than this. We're the ones who have to suffer when they put on cowboy hats and ride electric bulls like it's a black rapper's cock for the entire next reality show. What the hell is it all for anyway? Everybody knows Odom's done after this year, and he and those fug whores will be back in LA for good, makin sex tapes and eatin bear claws like you read about.

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