Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mario Lopez Recently Spotted at a Dallas Boys and Girls Club; WWCD Local Content Writers Fired

DALLAS - There are events in every respected journalist's career that keep him up nights, longing for a front row seat to history, then hand-crafting a story that can make his readers think they were there. When AC Slater shows up in our backyard to play foosball with some under-loved minorities, you, the reader, should expect WWCD to be first on the scene, ready to ask the hard-hitting questions you NEED to know... How big of a D-bag was Zack? There's no way Jesse was addicted to those pills for just one episode, right? How upset were you that the writers didn't have you take your shirt off for every episode? You ever get a taste of Lisa's chocolate? Guess we'll never know. It's a tough day for the the staff here at WWCD, especially for the ones who got beat out by the Advocate on the story, and are now back to flipping fries at Burger House. I just can't be everywhere all the time. My notepad, recorder, and I were following Chloe and Lamar around town all month, all for this. You don't screw around with Slater. I know it, the readers know it, and Zack knows it.

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