Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hey Ballpark in Arlington: This Might Be How You Can Get Fans In the Seats on a 100+ Degree Day Against Baltimore

That sneaky Chase Field can play that Phoenix crowd like a pro, huh? They kinda seem like the Dallas of the Desert, so more power to 'em. No question that if Big D had that dream of a downtown park we would cram in the biggest huttub you can fit in right-center field and stuff it with the kind of Texas talent like you hear about. Instead, leave it to the mid-cities and Family-Friendly Ballpark to make going to a Rangers game like a six-year-old's birthday, minus the bounce house. Is it too much to ask to rip up Green's Hill and it's endless supply of drunks in cutoff T's and jorts swatting away little kids for a $5 ball for a 30'x20' petri dish of STD's, silicone, cocaine and Red Bull? My inevitable bleacher-seat season ticket doesn't think so.

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