Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Swingers Club Tried To Pass Itself Off As a Church, City Frowned

DALLAS -The City Attorney's Office filed yet another lawsuit against Glenn Hudson, the same guy the city's going after for operating that underage-sex-illegal-drugs-and-late-night-danceteria on Northwest Highway and Webb Chapel that Hudson and his acolytes keep insisting is a church when it's clearly anything but.

This time, the city's going after Hudson's Harry Hines joint known as the Playground, which is filled, says one of its websites, with "Over 16,000 Sq Ft of Grown Folks Party Space!" Turns out every Friday night's an Erotic Friday Night, and, promises another Internet invite, "ROBES AND TOWELS ALLOWED ONLY IN VIP AFTER 2AM!" Costs $10 to get in after 11 p.m. if you're a single lady (it's free before then); $50 if you're a dude who's single looking to mingle. And: You need the password to get in. (Swordfish!) That, right there, that sounds like a party. Unless you're the City Attorney's Office, which alleges in its complaint that it's really an "unlicensed sexually oriented business operating under a Certificate of Occupancy for a church, mosque or synagogue," just like DarkSide.

But the ordained-over-the-Internet Hudson is insisting the city has violated his First Amendment rights and that he's done nothing wrong. As he told WFAA after Judge Ken Molberg temporarily closed the Playground yesterday pending an August 3 hearing, "We have outreach programs that are catering to the youth and disadvantaged people in the communities trying to provide an alternative to what currently exists, which are drug-infested."

Can you believe the balls on this Glenn Hudson? I mean look, you want to run a club with skanks like the ones above you have on your website? Fine, as long as I'm a disease-free 1000 yards away, you can over-charge dudes and fat chicks and make up some secret password every weekend and you won't hear from me alerting the ACLU. Just look here Hudson, you sure as hell can't just go around town telling people you are a house of worship just cause you think those fat hams behind those mini-skirts are the path to salvation. If that was the case, the Benefactor wouldn't try to get out of getting dressed up for 100 degree weather and another sleeper of a sermon every Sunday. You got greedy, then you went and tried to play the just-trying-to-cater-to-the-youth-and-disadvantaged card. Just couldn't keep your hand outta the cookie jar, could you, Hudson? Now where is everyone supposed to go for Pussy-Whipped Fridays?

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