Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pussy Marketing Database Company Shafting Dallas Like NBA Finals '06 Refs

HUFFINTON POST - NetProspex, a sales and marketing database company, has released its annual "Social Business Report," which analyzes the social media activity and connectedness of cities, industries, and businesses.  Among other findings, NetProspex ranks the top 50 "most social cities" in the United States--the cities with the "most social businesspeople"--based on a metric system called "NetProspex Social Index (NPSI)", which measures activity across nine major social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Who the hell does this NetProspex think they are sticking D/FW in the 8 hole like we're Chris Davis or something? Dallas should pretty much be top five on any list, but 8th? Gimme a break. I could play the racial card and say that those immigrants from down South are screwing up our %'s again, just like on those damn school test scores, but that would be the lazy blogger's way out. NetProspex coulda fooled me, cause everytime I go out, every idiot I see is head-down on a smartphone and can't seem to talk about anything but whatever they are doing on it, so they must be doing something "social" and "connected" on the damn thing. Just can't win'em all I guess, Dallas.

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