Friday, August 3, 2012

WWCD Field Trip: Time to Remind the Interns Who Runs This Joint

So I know the posting has been a little slow around here this week, but the intern ineptitude has really been hitting a tipping point. Cold coffee, stale local news leads, unmotivated sexual quid pro quo.... the whole deal. So, nothing like a staff trip to the gun range to put a little fear into these entitled hipsters. If the smoke and flying bullet casings aren't enough to get'em on the edge of their seats, rapid-firing a full magazine from an unsympathetic AR-15 through the head of a acne-scarred Greg Popovich poster can really inspire the troops. Just the morning after, a busty marketing major with a penchant for raw power and a trained assassin's wit greeted me with a steaming latte and a hearty handjob, just like the good ol' days. Mission accomplished, and all without having to flash the Glock .45 from the hidden desk compartment.

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