Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy National Cleavage Day Everyone!

LONDON - What do you get when you combine a faux-holiday with women nearly naked in the streets? You get a group of women strutting around London and making a scene, all in the name of National Cleavage Day.
What's National Cleavage Day? It depends who you ask. The Sun describes it as a holiday to "celebrate women's independence and power in their careers and relationships."
But a blogger for Women 24 says there's a lot to dislike about National Cleavage Day, which the the writer says was created by companies, "to get free advertising and make more money by highlighting our insecurities."

Gotta love London. Sure they may not be too hot and still smoke like it's the '40's, but you've gotta love their commitment to public stripping in the face of both civil law and women's equality just to push sales on a lackluster spring collection. If you've got a nice pair, the last thing that fat, frumpy feminists want you to do is show them off. However, respectable men everywhere, especially those at WWCD, encourage and celebrate the very women's independence and power that make National Cleavage Day a true global treasure. I'm not saying Dallas chicks need to stop down traffic, but I would be disappointed if I go out today and didn't see any milky melons looking for little motorboating and sunshine.

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