Friday, March 16, 2012

St. Patricks Weekend Means It's Time for Irish, the Drunks, and the No Fun Police to Go Nuts

DALLAS - Preparations are underway along upper and lower Greenville Avenue in Dallas today, where 20,000 people are expected to turn out for Saturday's annual Saint Patrick's Day Parade and block party afterward. Neighbors are already taking precautions to prevent parade-goers from parking in and blocking their narrow streets. Bob Deering spent Friday morning putting up nearly 100 signs in the front yards of homes off Greenville Avenue.
Richard Konkel told News 8 this is his second year living close to the parade route and after-party. Konkel said he is concerned about the large crowds and the parking issues that come with the celebration. He plans to stay close to home tomorrow to keep an eye on things.
Deering said he plans to do the same, describing his address as "Ground Zero" along the parade route. Deering says, so long as the police presence is strong and visible, he doesn't anticipate the problems that have plagued parade day in years past. Deering says it was common for parade goers to party late into the night, pass out in his yard or park in the street, blocking neighbors in.
Tomorrow's parade begins at 11 a.m. at Blackwell Street and Greenville Avenue, just south of Lover's Lane. It ends at Yale Street. The block party will begin later in the afternoon lower on Greenville Avenue near Vanderbilt and Vickery.

Every town's got 'em and every big event brings 'em outta the word-work... the prudes who you only see peering through their closed window blinds as you walk your dog, call the cops when the black UPS guy approaches, and seem to forget that they willingly chose to live mere feet away from not only loud, crowded bars, but the biggest annual block party the city has to offer. You get what you pay for, and once a year, you may have a few 23-year-olds park their Civic in front of your house for a few hours, shout a few racist remarks, and piss on your tulips. Just get the F outta the house for like half a day and be cool for once in your life. I mean can you believe this Richard Konkel pussy? "There were some incidents... I'm not sure... it was something... I think someone was injured." Hey Dick, that's your whole play? Just because you didn't have any friends to go out with and you tripped over your sex doll doesn't mean your neighbors were raped and vomited on.

By the Way - How about Cynthia Vega rockin' the half-catcher's stance like a beast. It may be a fluff piece in the third segment of the midday local news, but don't think she's not gunnin' for that primetime seat today before poundin' that green beer tomorrow like a pro.

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