Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dallas-Area Feminists Convinced Tax-Payers Just Need a Knitted Replica of Their Barren, Dried-Up Uterus

What is it about the feminist movement that makes everything about sex? You wanna kill some time crocheting some reproductive parts with your soon-to-be-sexually-confused sons, be my guest. Just spare me the non-sense about everyone wanting to touch your baby-making places. No one, not even Republicans or Catholics, is trying to stop you from buying birth control or getting reproductive health care yourself. It's just that everyone else can't continue to pay for it anymore. The country is in massive debt, the state can't pay its teachers, the city can't even repair it's potholes, but you narrow-minded, hyper-ideological cows think this is some moral, sexual injustice. Maybe we're all just a little tired of footing the bill for your fetal-vacuuming after you somehow managed to sneak the seed of some shroomed-up, community college psych professor inside you. Personal responsibility, ladies, that's all.

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