Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ranger Fans Are Winners, Don't Care How Much Your Kid Cries Over a Foul Ball

So this video turned up everywhere overnight. Everyone going apeshit over how horrible this couple is over not giving this pouty kid a foul ball. Look, somebody has to teach this kid some hard life lessons, and thank God this couple picks up where these coddling parents dropped the ball (pun intended if it's funny). If you're not gonna get your glove up and make a play on the ball, someone will. If this is how this kid's gonna go through life, then he's always gonna be watching the game from the stands and not from the field. Perfect metaphor for how tough life is, which you'd think some New York announcers would appreciate. Only thing you've gotta shake your head over is the rookie ball photo op. Act like you've been to the big show before and leave the cameras to the kids and Asian tourists.

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