Monday, April 9, 2012

What Can the Cowboys Give Up to Get Gronk Today?

How about a Witten/Austin/Bryant package deal? Three for one. Done. Not only is Gronk maybe the best tight end in the game, but he consistantly looks like the most fun pro athlete to hang out with and it's not even close. When he's not dancin at the club right after losing the Super Bowl, crushin' beer bongs in Padre, or banging smokin porn stars, the fun never stops even when chillin' at home. Imagine the fun Dallas would have with this guy, and vice versa. Actually may be close to what Romo and Carpenter probably were like about six years ago, but without the blogs or videos to share it all. Their biggest problem was setting up shop in Addison with the other low-rent 22-year-olds though, instead of layin' some serious pipe from a Post Worthington McKinney Ave. command center. Gronk on the other hand would never leave the Bro-fest at Jefferson North End every summer Saturday, except to go slay some prime tail at Katy Ice House. Talk about a local blog writer's dream. Instead he's just wasting away in the cold, boring Northeast. Shame.

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