Friday, June 3, 2011

What Would You Rather Have: A 15-pt 4th Qtr Comeback Road Win vs Lebron in the Finals or Mind-Blowing Sex?

Absolute no-brainer, and don't sit there and call the Benefactor gay or that the Mavs were going to come back from down 0-2. Nonsense. First, if you're reading this blog, you're probably not going to do anything nearly mind-blowing enough to help that unlucky soul who found themselves in bed with you enjoy it, and that misses is soon looking like the poor chick above whether you get your O-face on or jump for joy like a 90 pound, pony-tailed cheerleader in your apartment living room.

If you're a fan of any team you take this win every day of the week and twice on Sunday. I mean, you especially take this if you're a Miami fan and your team does this since you're paying for sex anyway, but the chance to take it back to the city of winners with the series tied for Game 3 on the Lord's day? Who do you think HE is rooting for? Christ himself has been wearing a faded MFFL shirt since '02 and uses his Lebron voodoo doll more than D-Wade uses the ref's whistle.

Bring it on, Heat. This crowd's gonna to be crazier than Redbird Mall during a Foot Locker clearance sale.

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