Monday, August 1, 2011

Does the Average D/FW TV Viewer Know Who These Two Knuckleheads Are?

So the other night, Mrs. Benefactor noticed the overplayed Ranger commercial with Nefi, Alexi, Maddox, and Hawk and had to ask who those two jokers were, referring to the coaches, who, granted, are dressed like a couple of random jack ass fans. Hated to admit she may have had a point, so I didn't, and blogged about it instead. So, not only do I refuse to believe there is any way the average remote-wielding fat ass in a recliner has a clue who they are, I will say right here that no less than 30% of the people in the stands at an average game know either. Don't sit there and say I'm full of shit either. Over 40% of people at Rangers games are moms and kids who can't name more than half a dozens Rangers. It's why I stay home on my fat ass with my remote taking cell phone pics from my recliner. If the people who care enough to go to the actual games don't know, then the average slack-jawed yokel certainly has no clue. Point being, Wife: 1, Rangers: 0, in case she doesn't read this, in which case she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about and needs to get her ass back in the kitchen.

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