Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Braunfels Concedes in Race of Best Texas Cities

NEW BRAUNFELS - The City Council in the popular summer destination of New Braunfels voted late Monday to ban disposable food and drink containers on rivers. The Herald-Zeitung in New Braunfels reported that the City Council voted 5-1 in favor of the ban. Supporters concede the proposed ban on disposable food and drink containers may cause a dip in tourism. However, they say it will make the waterways cleaner and more family-friendly. Critics counter it’s an indirect way to curb drinking and tubing - a time-honored tradition of floating along with a beer or another adult beverage. The new plan imposes fines of up to $500.

What is it they say in the Hill Country? When the going gets tough, the tough cut off their main source of summer revenue and the rite of passage for all Texas college students? Just when Dallas starts to really stock its trophy case, the New Braunfels City Council takes their ball and runs home crying to mommy like pussies. Guess what, NB, every tourist spot gets litter. The shores of our Lake Lewisville have a few more aluminum cans than nature intended, but you think we are going to un-tie pontoon boat city and tell the tipsy bikini'd blondes to just go home? The Guadalupe and Comal are good for two things, gettin' ham-boned on it and pissing in it. If people wanted a clean, family-friendly float they would stay at Schlitterbaun, not slum it in a cesspool.

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