Tuesday, August 30, 2011

No, It Wasn't Halloween, But SMU Was Much More Saggy, Unsightly If Only For One Day

DALLAS - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lectured at the inaugural event of the Louise B. Raggio Endowed Lecture Series Monday night. Hosted by the Dedman School of Law, Dean John Attanasio led a casual conversation with Ginsburg in front of a sold out audience in McFarlin Auditorium.

So apparently Dallas is no longer in the proud, conservative South, huh? All of the sudden SMU can prop up old bag Ginsberg to lead a lecture series about chicks' rights, the evolution in girdle fashion, how to soothe bunyon itch, or whatever the hell they talked about, and the Tea Party or NRA aren't throwing a shit storm off Mockingbird and 75? Where the hell am I, Berkley? Listen here, Ruthie, you can stay up in Washington and privately write a few opinions telling us how great abortions, female bosses, and ACLU memberships are, but I'll be DAMNED if this town is going to stand idly by next time some Al Davis look-a-like shows up IN PERSON and dares to preach to the hotbed of talent on the Hilltop. Honestly, did you see who she was wearing? And those exposed roots? Think you can sip on the Grey Goose at my table at Rio Room with those chipmunk jowls? Get your old ass back to sweatshirt-and-jeans country, bitch, we've got last night's Most Eligible to watch.

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